The Instructor

Gold Turns & Leaps
This is a Premium Class – Work on à la seconde turns, leaps and intricate variations.
This is a Premium Class – Work on à la seconde turns, leaps and intricate variations.
Fluidity of Jazz Movement, Synchronization and Choreography Memorization – Turn dance steps into magic.
This is a Premium Class – Master technical skills and take on challenging dance combinations.
The Hip Hop Basics – A fun, cool and high-energy class that is also great for health, balance and coordination.
Imitation, Enhanced Musicality and Performing Skills – Work on improvement of presentation and more complex movements.
Multi-Styles, Teamwork and Attitude – Learn more complex group moves while building social skills and coordination.
Sophisticated Techniques, Creative Expression and Self-Choreography – Cultivation of all hip hop dance to evolve into a freestyle dancer.
Expression, Improvisation and Creative Body Language – A perfect addition to Ballet I and Jazz I training.
Emotions, Focus Intensity and Dance Technique – To develop the sense of rhythm and body coordination.
Intentional Movement, Momentum and Energy – Learn how to optimize your contemporary lyrical game.