About This DanceLōva Class
Although still a part of our Early Childhood Development Program, Pre-Ballet is a child's first official step into classical ballet training. The little learners start their lessons with a floor exercise to learn the proper ballet warm-ups. Etiquette and along with first through fifth ballet positions of arms, feet are introduced to the young learners.
At this grade, the preschoolers will also begin to familiarize themselves with the ballet barre, build self-awareness of body parts from head to toes, and ballet vocabulary. Pre-Ballet students will be expected to recall a simple dance choreography of up to 2-3 minutes in length, as well as understand 20 ballet terminologies with zero to minimum instructor assistance after 6 months of weekly lessons. This class is held every week.
Pink leotard with a detached matching skirt is also acceptable. For learners at this grade of ballet, DanceLova also recommends the ballet shoes that are made of leather material, with a full sole.